Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 3rd and 5th

This week we started drawing again. I was a little outta practice seeing as I hadn't drawn in 2 weeks. I feel like I could really tell in my drawings that I hadn't drawn for a while. I was having a tough time getting back into the swing of it. My drawings were alright but nothing special. Lots of flaws throughout. Also I tried to draw bigger than I normally do but found it hard to do so. Every time I felt my proportions were off so I'd erase and it would gradually get smaller every time I did so. I think that if we draw all this week and then the field trip should really help get me back into the swing of things so I can make some real progress on my skills.

Here's the 2 long poses we did this week. They are ok on proportion I think. Some areas are off but for the most part decent for not drawing for 2 weeks. I need to work on the line weight though. I get too heavy too fast and then my drawings are hard to clean up at the end of the day.

1 comment:

  1. I think that week many of us were feeling a little out of practice. You did very well finding the angle of the spinal column on this last one.
